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- (Pas de doc française, les enfants, le plus important est à la fin de ce
- texte. Je diffuserai un mode d'emploi bilingue plus tard. Non mais. C'est
- que je n'ai pas de secrétaire, moi ! (Avis aux amatrices))
- 21/01/1995
- Just two words for this version :
- 1) The previous one had a few minor bugs, this shouldn't.
- 2) I forgot to tell that I temporary use the soundtracker replay routine
- from Bitmaster of BSW, which had to be said.
- 18/01/1995
- Hello, for the last time.
- Well, this game is not in its final version. However, you may
- have a lot of fun playing with it. I know it, coz' I already played it
- a lot with my young brothers. I'm a lot disappointed by the very few
- messages I received for the previous version. When I spoke about doing
- this game monthes ago, more than ten guys wrote me to say it was great,
- they would pay, and so on... Now that really playable version have been
- spread, what? Only four or five letters...Not very encouraging. So, I've
- made up my mind. This is the LAST version I'll spread. As I already said,
- you may play it enough to see it's very good. And I don't say it because
- I've done it, but because it's true! Now, it's very simple :
- 1) You like it, and you want to get a full version ( music & sound, improved
- graphics, more levels, etc...) : send me a donation. It's as simple as
- that! The best way is to send me some cash well hidden in a sheet of paper,
- well enclosed in an envelop. I think an honest gift should be around
- 100 FF/20$(US)/30DM/12 £, and so on. You may send it IN YOUR OWN CURRENCY,
- I prefer going to the bank to do some exchange than not receiving money !
- And remember that this game doesn't exist on computers so far, and that the
- SNES version must be around 60$...(and you can only play it at four players)
- Planned improvements :
- - good sprite rout
- - music (the one from Bomberman, not the one I put just to have music in it)
- - sounds
- - several levels
- - perhaps teleports and conveyor belts
- - more ?
- 2) You like it, but you prefer to see the Falcon without good games. It's a
- perfectly understandable point of view, don't send money, the message will
- be clear enough to me, and I won't do anything else for this computer. Go on
- that way, and in a few monthes, you won't even be able to sell your Falcon,
- coz' nobody will want it anymore.
- 3) You don't appreciate this game, and I'm really sad. First, because you won't
- send me some cash, second, because this game is a lot of fun, and you
- certainly miss something !
- Nice (and smart) donators will receive the final version the fastest I
- can, and people who have got e-mail will be sent updates regularly until the
- final version.
- Well, I think I said everything. Please, donate. The source code is
- more than 200KB long, there are a lot of graphics, and it took me a lot of
- time. Several full-time weeks ! It's not expensive, and the more I get, the
- better will my future games be. If there are ones. And there'll be only if
- there's enough money. Don't be stupid. Big firms will NEVER do games on Falcon.
- NEVER. I try to bring you commercial quality for shareware price. And I would
- like to keep on this kind of thing. But it all depends on YOU, users. (BTW, I'm
- graduated enough to get a good job and a comfortable salary. If I prefer trying
- to do games like this, it's coz' I like the Atari world, the Falcon, and I
- believe in it. But if I'm too much disappointed, I'll get a good job and ...)
- To 'register', see at the end of the letter.
- MB.
- 4/01/1995
- Hello,
- Here's a second version of Super Bomberman. As you'll see, a lot
- of debugging has been done. Everything seems to work fine, except remote
- control for bombs, since I haven't done it yet (I still need to sleep
- every night! :-). You can now play it at four players, two on the keyboard
- and two with joysticks. The gameplay has been limited to one victory. It's
- not the final version...for which you should pay to play.
- To kick bombs, just push'em.
- To stop a kicked bomb, press fire.
- To punch'em, just turn toward them, and, when you're close enough to
- one bomb, you'll punch it if you press fire, instead of putting one more bomb.
- Don't hesitate to send me criticisms, encouragements, money, and so
- on...
- MB.
- 28/01/1994
- Hi,
- I had promised it some monthes ago, here is the first demo of
- "my" SuperBomberman on Falcon playable enough to be spread. It already repre-
- sents many hours of brainstorming, but I think it begins to be nice.
- You can play it (or better, beta-test it ;-) with X,C,V,D and
- Left Shift for the white player, cursor keys and right shift for the black
- player, and joystick for the red player. Punch, kick and remote bonuses are
- only partially coded, so I didn't include them in this demo-version. Maluses
- seems also a bit bogus, since sometimes they last forever !!! So, better avoid
- them, just try them once.
- And now, here's the deal : I wanted to release this game as a "free-
- shareware". I may not do it as a shareware, since it's (C) Hudson Soft. I may
- only do it as a freeware, I think, but hey, if I don't make any money with it,
- don't even hope to see anything else from me. Some guys told me they were
- interested in releasing it as a commercial game, changing graphics and music...
- So, it's up to YOU, Falcon users to decide : either you support me a
- lot by the "free-shareware" way, and not only you'll pay this game only a few
- bucks (I think 100FF, 20$, 30DM and so on is a reasonnable price (for the FULL
- game of course :)), either you don't, and you'll have to pay between twice and
- three times this price...Let me know your opinion, by mailing or e-mailing
- me them.
- Marc BOURLON (Archangel)
- To register(Pour s'enregistrer) :
- Send some cash in your currency, or even better, in FF to :
- 10, rue des Tanneries
- 75013 PARIS
- e-mail: bourlon@gla.ecoledoc.ibp.fr
- Don't forget to give me your address, of course !